A: Damage and error theories.
(2 examples of 30 described)
- Wear and tear theory
- Rate of living theory
- Cross-linking theory
- Free radicals theory
- Somatic damage theory
Free Radical Mitochondrial Membrane theory.
(2 studies)
- Study conducted by Dr. G. Demeulemeester KULAK 2010, department of Molecular Biology IRC, assisted by Prof. Callewaert.
Keep your Power Plants OPEN, HAVE ENERGY
- Study conducted by Dr. G. Demeulemeester KULAK, department of Biochemistry IRC, assited by Prof. Debyser
Cellular synucleinopathy model, three compounds, NADH, Mecloxofenate and PQQ, by M.Gerard.
B: Programmed Theories
- Neuro-endocrine theory
(precursor) Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Hayflick theory : Programmed Longivity
- Immunological theory
- Somatic DNA theory
C: Psycho-social theory and non biological theory of anti-aging
- Activity theory (aging)
- Continuity theory
- Disengagement theory
- Selectivity theory (aging)